Before I launch into a 'Bridget Jones' style diary, let me introduce myself! For the last 10 years I have lived in France. I am originally from England. I teach English in local primary schools. Living in France is great, but not for my figure!! Since moving here in 2001 I have piled on the weight, too much good food and wine! To cut a long story short, I was teaching my pupils today about Shrove/Pancake Tuesday and was suddenly inspired! I thought to myself, Lent starts tomorrow!
I must be the most weak-willed person in the world, so I have decided to set myself a personal challenge! I am going to try and lose 14 lbs (about 6.5kgs) in the next 46 days, i.e. by Easter Sunday! My intention is also to carry on losing afterwards too, but for the moment that is my goal! I need all the encouragement I can get, so useful tips would be much appreciated!! I am certainly not going on any crash diets, as they are pointless, after all I want to keep the weight off! I am going to spend my evening planning my 'diet' and everyday I will give an update on my progress (or not!) If I come across any great recipes I shall share them with you! And likewise if you have any please share them too!
Date: 8th March 2011
Weight: 75kgs (165lbs)
Here goes! Speak tomorrow!
Mrs Weak-willed!