Little bit concerned this morning when I hopped onto the scales, 72.7kgs. Yes it's still going the right way, but only 400gms in one week! I was hoping it would be more! Still, mustn't give up hope! 24 days until Easter Sunday! If I only lose 400gms / week between now and then, that'll be about another 1.5kgs, so a total of just under 4kgs, not quite the 6.5kgs I was hoping for! Must be my age (nearly 46!) that's not helping either, and yes, still no real exercise. Don't forget I've been feeling under the weather!
Date: 30th March 2011
Weight: 72.7kgs
Speak tomorrow.
Mrs. Weak-willed
mercredi 30 mars 2011
Friday - Third Tuesday
Apologies for my being so quiet since last Friday! I've been feeling under the weather and we've also had a few internet problems! I haven't let my illness get in the way of the calorie count though! Weigh-in tomorrow!!
Date: 25th-29th March 2011
Weight (23rd March) : 73.1kgs
Speak tomorrow.
Mrs. Weak-willed
Date: 25th-29th March 2011
Weight (23rd March) : 73.1kgs
Speak tomorrow.
Mrs. Weak-willed
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