samedi 19 mars 2011

Second Friday

Tonight I treated myself to a lovely staeak (only 70g come on!!) simply griddled with a really delicious low-fat white bean mash. Great thing about the beans is they're naturally low in fat and fill you up!

Here's the recipe (for 4):

Finely chop 1 medium onion and 1 clove of garlic, gently cook in a little water until soft. Add the contents of an 800g tin of white beans and 250ml of chicken stock and a handful of finely chopped parsley. Cook gently until the liquid has slightly reduced. Mash and add a TBspoon of 0% fromage blanc and season with salt and pepper. This would be nice with lamb, chicken or any white fish! Bon appétit!!

Good day today!

Date: 18th March 2011
Weight (16th March): 74.3kgs

Speak tomorrow
Mrs Weak-willed

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